Friday, February 12, 2010

You say tomato, I say grapefruit

I say potato, you say solanum tubersum.

A more substantial, informative post with photos coming post-phuket vacation. But, three weeks of teaching down. Three weeks.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

a quick note

It's been a little over a year since Anny died, and I just wanted to say to her, thank you for being a good student and a caring person. I still think of you all of the time, and I always will.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Once more, with feeling

Well, a few weeks into teaching and I'm starting to remember what it was like last year. Yes, that confused, fuzzy look staring back at me from all angles. Grading and powerpointing late into the night (currently working on 'marketing mix--pricing methods' a must read for all A-level Business Studies students! my class). Teaching Shakespeare and Mary Shelley to Korean and Hong Kong kids? Er...No, no. Can't resort to Leo and Claire Danes version. How to explain "her chastity was well-armed?" or "I'll chop off their head, or their maidenheads."

I'll have more photo fun time w/ my school and kids but since half of them are native speakers, I might have to be a bit more discreet, lest they find this rarely read blog (hi, my five readers!).

Anyway, times are a' busy here. Still honing sharpening my completely inappropriate submission materials to the MFA. Is using "motherf'er" in a personal essay about writing craft a good idea? Wha? No?

Well, at least in a week I'll be returning to Thailand! This time with cole in tow for our Chinese New Year vacation. Gong hei fat choy folks. Happy year of le tigre.